I'm frankly terrified, sometimes. Holy crap Finn- the UN.! Carbon Footprinting. Please tell me you'd be proud - I want someone to be proud of me who gets just how big this is for me. I'm scared silly of stuffing it up.
I'm even a wee bit terrified by the dream that's coming true - to live in a country where I just have to learn the language 'from scratches'. Be careful what you wish for, indeed.
But Finn- its Rome. Roma. Land of la dolce vita, home of trasteveres and vecchios, real pizzas and all the words that were part of our repertoire around the Colquhoun dinner table. I know I'm gonna wonder, when I go, if you ever made it there - something tells me you went with D?
And I'm doing this wholly and soully for me, but a part of me wishes you could see it, this latest face of European Gigi. I know you'd understand, in a way that no-one else would.

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